Keeping the Ball Rolling

Well hello there.

So, an update: I went in for that interview last Monday and it went fabulously. I was honest, and open, and myself. I was able to share my learnings from student teaching and share my passion and strengths. I was also able to ask some questions about the school and the staff as well as the position itself.

The interview started at three and I didn't leave until almost 5. It was long but time went so fast. I walked out out of the interview feeling very satisfied as to how it all went and I was invited back to observe and hang out with the science department for the day.

There are at least two other candidates that are under consideration and I don't have any experience in a High School classroom so the odds of me getting this postition are slim but it was great practice to go through the interview and then get to spend time up at the high school observing. It has been encouraging and exciting so we will see what happens.

Tomorrow I am heading to the high school to spend the day observing different teachers. It should be a great opportunity check out the vibe at a high school and pick up on some tricks that these teachers use in their classroom.

Again, I will let you know how that goes.

Pray pray pray.

Thanks thanks thanks. :)


Emilia said...

Totally praying, yo. Love you.

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