In high School, its Miss H.

Ya, so apparently Ms Harder is just too much for most kids to either remember or handle. I mean, I know what an extra syllable does to kids these days. But to tell you the truth, I think Miss H is kinda cute.

And besides, I freaking love teaching high school. I mean, the kids are ornerier and unfortunately their parents have also learned to work the system a little more but on a day to day basis, I think its great.

My freshman are really fun and for the most part, they know their stuff. My sophmores are great too. While a majority of them act like 7 year olds, they bring a little spice to my life.  My colleagues are wonderful and have been huge helps to me. They all seem so willing to walk along side me a help me out when I need it.

And then to top it all off, my first full week at school gets cut short by a snow day. Frigid temperatures never felt so good.

I love my job! :)


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